
To use Dremio client in a project:

import dremio_client


The Dremio Client is configured using the confuse yaml based configuration library. This looks for a configuration file called config.yaml in:

  • macOS: ~/.config/dremio_client and ~/Library/Application Support/dremio_client
  • Other Unix: ~/.config/dremio_client and /etc/dremio_client
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\dremio_client where the APPDATA environment variable falls back to %HOME%\AppData\Roaming if undefined
  • Via the environment variable DREMIO_CLIENTDIR

The default config file is as follows:

    type: basic #  currently only basic is supported
    username: dremio
    password: dremio123
    timeout: 10
hostname: localhost
port: 9047
ssl: false

The command line interface can be configured with most of the above parameters via flags or by setting a config directory. The relevant configs can also be set via environment variables. These take precedence. The environment variable format is to append DREMIO_ to a config parameter and nested configs are separated by a _. For example: DREMIO_AUTH_TIMEOUT maps to auth.timeout in the default configuration file above.