Dremio client

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The un-official python client for Dremio’s REST API. This enables both administrators and data scientists to get the most out of Dremio in Python


  • Cross platform support

  • All Pythons between 2.7 - 3.7 supported

  • Full support for Dremio’s REST API

  • Optional Support for Dremio’s ODBC or experimental Arrow Flight capabilities

  • Rich config file support via confuse yaml config library. Simple to create a client (config stored in a yaml file)

    from dremio_client import init
    client = init() # initialise connectivity to Dremio via config file
    catalog = client.data # fetch catalog
    vds = catalog.space.vds.get() # fetch a specific dataset
    df = vds.query() # query the first 1000 rows of the dataset and return as a DataFrame
    pds = catalog.source.pds.get() # fetch a physical dataset
    pds.metadata_refresh() # refresh metadata on that dataset
  • CLI interface for integration with scripts

    $ dremio_client query --sql 'select * from sys.options'
    $ dremio_client refresh-metadata --table 'my.vds.name'
  • Catalog autocompletion in Jupyter Notebooks



This is still alpha software and is relatively incomplete. Contributions in the form of Github Issues or Pull requests are welcome. See CONTRIBUTING


  • see issues